Dec 12, 20183 min

Sweet Potato Toasties

I recently discovered “SWEET POTATO TOASTIES” (and while this is a very common food in the nutrition industry, I figured that if they were new to me…. then maybe they would be new to you, too!)

So, here I am to tell you about them. Sharing is caring. ☺️

Sweet potato toasties are a healthy and delicious alternative to bread for breakfast, and they are also far more nutrient-dense, naturally gluten-free and paleo-friendly!

I love to use them for my avocado/egg toast – and also enjoy them with my fave nut butters. There are hundreds of sweet potato toasty recipes online.


Sweet potatoes are different than white potatoes. First off, sweet potatoes rank lower on the glycemic index chart: meaning they tend to raise blood sugar at a slower pace. They also contain less calories and carbohydrates, and contain more vitamin A and fiber than white potatoes.


  1. To turn a sweet potato into a bread-like shape, you must slice it. (No need to peel though.) Take a slice off one side of your potato and rest it, flat side–down, on the cutting board while you cut the rest of it into 1/4-inch slices. Try to keep your slices as even as possible—too thin and they won't hold their shape; too fat and they'll take too long to cook.

  2. To "toast" the slices, you can pop them into the slots of a standard toaster or set them up in a toaster oven. Either way, crank it up to the highest setting and keep toasting until the surface of each slice is beginning to brown and the inside is tender when pierced with a fork. Depending on the strength of your toaster, it can take anywhere from 8-15 minutes per batch of sweet potato toast.

  3. You can also use the oven, which is especially handy if you're making a lot of toast at once. Crank your oven up to 450°F and then either place your sweet potato slices directly on the grates or on a sheet pan and flip every 5 minutes or so until they're nicely browned on the outside and soft inside, about 15 to 20 minutes total.

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes 👇

  • They're a good source of vitamins C and A: Both nutrients are vital for supporting immune function, which is especially important during cold and flu season. Vitamin A is also key for maintaining healthy skin, vision, and organ function.

  • A serving of sweet potato delivers a third of your need for manganese, a mineral that helps produce collagen and promote skin and bone health.

  • You'll also get between 15 and 30% of several energy-supporting B vitamins and minerals, including potassium (see more on this below).

  • Sweet potatoes are antioxidant powerhouses: Vitamins A and C also function as antioxidants that protect cells against aging and disease.

  • They’re anti-inflammatory: We’ve long known that unchecked, low-grade inflammation raises the risk of nearly every chronic disease, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Natural anti-inflammatory compounds in sweet potatoes have been shown to quell inflammation at the cellular level: Research done on animals has shown reduced inflammation in brain tissue and nerve tissue after purple sweet potato extract consumption.

  • Sweet potatoes help regulate blood pressure: One cup of sweet potato baked in its skin provides 950 mg of potassium (more than twice the amount in a medium banana). Potassium essentially sweeps excess sodium and fluid out of the body, which lowers blood pressure and reduces strain on the heart. Potassium also helps regulate heart rhythm and muscle contractions.