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Managing your Blood Sugar levels for your Brain

In humans, the brain accounts for approximately 2% of the body weight, but it consumes approximately 20% of glucose-derived energy, making it the main consumer of glucose.

Brain functions such as thinking, memory, and learning are intrinsically linked to glucose levels and how efficiently the brain uses this fuel source. Conversely excess glucose consumption is associated with memory and cognitive deficiencies.

Consistent with its critical role for psychological brain function, disruption of normal glucose metabolism as well as its interdependence with cell death pathways forms the path of physiological basis for many brain disorders. Hyperglycemia (high levels of sugar/glucose in your blood) and a constant fluctuation between low blood sugar and high blood sugar leads to inflammation of the brain – resulting in both immediate and long-term effects.

High glucose concentrations can also result in an increase of beta amyloid plaques and tau tangles (these are markers for Alzheimer’s). Several studies have linked to chronically elevated blood sugar levels to cognitive decline and even Alzheimer’s disease, and practitioners are starting to refer to Alzheimer’s disease as a “third form of diabetes”.

One of the most damaging effects of chronic hyperglycemia is the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Although AGEs accumulation is part of the normal aging process, excessively high levels of AGEs detrimentally affect nearly every type of cell and molecule in the body.

Balancing blood sugar levels through an appropriate diet and the use of targeted nutritional supplements can protect the body from the harmful effects of AGEs and prevent the damage they could do to blood vessels into the brain.

Work with me to find natural ways to support proper blood sugar levels and to dampen or prevent brain inflammation!


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